We are very much an adult - child class and care givers hold full responsibility for their children. The welfare, safety and protection of any child attending class is our priority.
- Photos can be taken in class but please only of your child.
- All parents must sign consent form for photos to be taken of their child in class and used for social and advertising purposes.
- Any allergies are identified on the consent form and care givers must be aware.
- All children must have a consent form signed by care giver before attending a class.
- Adults are responsible for their child at all times, including toilet visits. We have many small objects to help with fine motor skills so close observation and modelling is paramount.
- Nappy changing is not allowed within the setting.
- The garden gate is shut at all times.
- Adults are limited to 1 per child due to space in the setting.
- Numbers are limited per class to ensure adequate space within the setting.
- No hot drink are allowed in class when children are present.
- All staff will present a current police check at the beginning of contract.
- All staff and volunteers are made aware of safe guarding procedures at Phonic Tots.
- Phonic Tots staff are not to look after children within a class other than their own.
- All staff aware of fire evacuation routes and meeting place outside the Phonic Tots garden.
- The teacher would contact parents if any concerns about the welfare of their child.
- All children, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, belief or religion have a right to protection from all types of harm or abuse.
- Where a child is in immediate need, to protect a child, the police should be called 999.
- Everyone speaks kindly and respectfully and any concerns are to be shared with a member of the Phonic Tots team.